LPCC Events

LPCC events include:

  • Workshops
  • Collider Cross Talk: weekly journal club on phenomenology topics related to LHC physics. Jointly coordinated by young members of the theoretical and experimental groups of CERN's PH Department.
  • EP-LHC seminar: part of the regular series of weekly seminars of the Experimental Physics Department, but dedicated to the presentation of new LHC results
  • LPCC students’ lecture: 
    • series of lectures on LHC topics, open to everyone but specifically aimed at graduate students living at CERN 
    • 1-hr lectures from some distinguished scientist, open to everyone but specifically aimed at the graduate students living at CERN 
  • LHC reports: periodic updates on the status of the LHC accelerator, its commissioning and operations, by the LHC weekly coordinator. 

HL/HE-LHC Workshop (2018)

Twiki pages of the Workshop and of the working groups:


Plenary meetings:
Oct 30-Nov 1 2017: https://indico.cern.ch/event/647676/
June 18-20 2018: https://indico.cern.ch/event/686494/
WG meetings: see the twiki pages

LPCC supported events

The LPCC supports other ongoing initiatives related to LHC physics, such as:

  • CERN/FNAL HCP school: the joint CERN/FNAL school on Hadron Collider Physics, held annually in alternance between Fermilab and CERN. 
  • PDF4LHC: the working group dedicated to the study of parton densities. It includes experts from the HERA, Tevatron, LHC and fixed target experiments, as well as theory experts. It is the forum for presentation and discussion of the latest PDF fits, as well as of all tools developed to improve their determination: improved theoretical calculations, studies of systematics, fitting strategies, etc. 
  • LHC re-interpretation forum: Forum for the re-interpretation of the LHC Results for BSM studies. As of 2025, this has been incorporated as subgroup of the LHC BSM WG (see https://lpcc.web.cern.ch/content/lhc-rei-wg)
  • Heavy Ion forum
  • CERN Academic Training programme: lecture series on topics of general interest, covering all aspects of particle physics, technology, engineering, science and society