LHC REI WG: BSM re-interpretation of LHC results

This subgroup of the BSM WG builds on the experience of the long-established LHC re-interpretation forum (RIF), which will continue working under the umbrella of the BSM WG in continuity with its original scientific goals. 

The REI WG provides a platform for continued discussion of topics related to the BSM (re)interpretation of LHC data, including the development of the necessary public RecastingTools and related infrastructure.

The activity of the REI WG is documented in its twiki page 

To subscribe to the general WG mailing list, used to distribute announcements about WG meetings and available documents, go to: 


For continuity, this e-group includes the original RIF egroup, info-LHC-interpretation at cern.ch


WG conveners:

  • ATLAS: Martin Habedank
  • CMS: Sezen Sekmen
  • LHCb: Carlos Vazquez Sierra
  • Theory: Sabine Kraml
  • LPCC contact: Michelangelo Mangano
  • Reach all in a pinch through lhc-reiwg-admin at cern.ch