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The LHC beyond the Standard Model (BSM) physics working group (LHC BSM WG) brings together theorists and experimentalists to define guidelines and recommendations for the benchmark models, interpretation, and characterisation of BSM searches at the LHC. As examples, the group develops and promotes well-defined signal models, specifying the assumptions behind them and describing the conditions under which they should be used. This would include both simplified models for specific signatures (experiment driven) and full models (theory driven). It works to improve the set of tools available to the experiments, such as higher- precision calculations of the backgrounds, where applicable working together with the other working groups. It also includes support to theorists for the reinterpretation of published LHC experimental results and discussions amongst experiments on common reconstruction developments.
- Searches related to dark matter and long lived particles, originally covered by the DM and LLP WGs, respectively, are now included as areas under the umbrella of the BSM WG.
- The BSM WG should organize at least once a year a workshop on a review of the activities of the various areas and of the status of experimental searches.
- The group will be initially steered by a committee formed by at least one convener from each of the ATLAS, CMS and LHCb experiments, appointed by the corresponding experiment, and two theorists appointed by LPCC. The steering committee can invite the experiments and LPCC to nominate additional conveners if necessary.
- The internal structure of the group is defined by the steering committee, which can define active areas on specific topics and coordinate their efforts.
- LHC Dark Matter WG:
- LHC Long-Lived-Particles WG:
- LHC Re-interpretation WG:
- LHC Prompt BSM signatures WG:
- WG meetings:
ATLAS: Arnaud Ferrari and Tamara Vazquez Schroeder
CMS: Phil Harris and Livia Soffi
LHCb: Daniel Johnson
Theory: Tim Cohen
LPCC contact: Michelangelo Mangano
Reach all conveners through lhc-bsmwg-admin at