Monte Carlo WG

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The working group brings together experimentalists and theorists to address and improve Monte Carlo (MC) generators of proton-proton processes for the LHC experiments. This includes the improvements in physics modeling of the event generators, the MC tuning, and computational and technical aspects (negative weights, generator speed, use of GPU, etc.). The group also addresses the simulation of minimum bias and underlying event. The former Minbias and UE working group will be included as an area within this working group.
The working group will be steered by a committee formed by one convener from each of the ATLAS, CMS, LHCb  and ALICE experiments (appointed by the respective experiment), two theorists appointed by LPCC, and one representative each from the SFT group and the CERN IT Department, to give assistance on technical aspects (appointed by the respective hierarchies).
The internal structure of the group is defined by the steering committee who can define active areas on specific topics. 
Modeling issues that are covered in other working groups (such as top quark or heavy ion processes) are to be discussed in their respective working groups. 

The LHC MC WG operates by holding public meetings where all relevant topics are discussed. Smaller meetings with a specific focus may be scheduled, and subgroups may be formed as deemed necessary by the SG. The subgroups would report on their activities in the plenary meetings. A special case is that of possible combinations or comparisons of experimental data. In this case the meetings will be restricted to members of the relevant experiments.


  • WG documents and meeting agendas: see links in the right menu


  • ALICE: Antonin Maire
  • ATLAS: Dominic Hirschbuehl
  • CMS: Si Hyun Jeon
  • LHCb: Tom Hadavizadeh
  • Theory: Leif Lonnblad, Michelangelo Mangano (LPCC)
  • SFT: Dmitri Konstantinov
  • IT Dep and HSF: Stefan Roiser

Reach all conveners through lhc-mcwg-admin at