LHC PBS WG: prompt BSM signatures

The working group addresses searches that are not covered by other BSM WGs. The notion of 
"prompt" highlights the key difference wrt the existing DM and LLP WGs, which focus on missing-momentum or macroscopically-displaced vertices, respectively. Typical model frameworks that will be considered include, for example, supersymmetry, leptoquarks, s-channel resonances, etc. BSM Higgs searches will continue being covered by the dedicated subgroup of the Higgs WG. For BSM topics or signatures where potential overlap exists with different WGs, optimal approaches will be discussed on a case-by-case basis. 

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WG conveners:

  • ATLAS: Giuliano Gustavino
  • CMS: Zeynep Demiragli
  • Theory: Roberto Franceschini
  • LHCb contact: Daniel Johnson
  • Reach all in a pinch through lhc-bpswg-admin at cern.ch