White papers:
- “Recommendations on presenting LHC searches for missing transverse energy signals using simplified s-channel models of dark matter", Phys.Dark Univ. 27 (2020) 100365, CERN-LPCC-2016-001, arXiv:1603.04156;
- Ancillary material: Relic over/under-production regions for the models considered in the report, see document for details: tarred Root files;
- “Recommendations of the LHC Dark Matter Working Group: Comparing LHC searches for heavy mediators of dark matter production in visible and invisible decay channels", Phys.Dark Univ. 26 (2019) 100377, CERN-LPCC-2017-001, arXiv:1703.05703;
- “Precise predictions for V+jets dark matter backgrounds", Eur. Phys. J. C 77 (2017) 12, 829, CERN-LPCC-2017-002, arxiv:1705.04664;
- Ancillary material: Data tables for distributions and systematic uncertainties available here (see document for details);
- “LHC Dark Matter Working Group: Next generation spin-0 dark matter models", Phys. Dark Univ. 27 (2020) 100351, CERN-LPCC-2018-001, arXiv:1810.09420;
- List of contributions by the authors: contribution list.
Minutes of meetings:
- WG public meeting, December 10-11, 2015: minutes
- WG public meeting, June 22, 2016: minutes
- WG public meeting, September 19-20, 2016: minutes
- Monotop discussion meeting, October 24, 2016: minutes
- WG public meeting, December 15, 2016: minutes
- 2HDM discussion meeting, April 28, 2017: minutes
- 2HDM discussion meeting, May 24, 2017: minutes
- WG public meeting on scalar-mediator models and new ideas, December 18, 2018: minutes
- WG public meeting on dark-photon models, June 22, 2018: minutes